Youth Clinics

Spring Clinics 2025 click here for the Registration form

Transylvania Soccer makes the average player very good and the good player great. Our Coaches have expertise in both youth soccer and youth fitness training. This combination makes Transylvania very successful in youth soccer coaching.

Your child will improve dramatically in soccer skills, team play and strategy as he or she grows and learns with Transylvania.  Your child will also learn important values like: commitment, team work and sportsmanship.

Being a member of Transylvania Soccer is something very special. Players receive unparalleled instruction from coaches with years of experience training and coaching youth teams.


Transylvania’s Progressive Training Program focuses on soccer instruction: drills, activities, games and match-play, specifically suited to age, skill level and experience.

Ages 4-5
– Technical topics: teaching focuses on ball control, turning, dribbling finishing.
– Tactical topics: passes for possession

Ages 6-8
– Technical topics: Individual skills and dribbling, receiving & passing, placement finishing

-Tactical topics: passes for possession, changing the point of attack

Ages 9-10
– Technical topics: Individual skills and dribbling, receiving & turning, shielding, power finishing
– Tactical topics: changing the point of attack and speed of play

Ages 11-12
– Technical / skills topics: dribbling, receiving and passing, turning & changing direction, crossing

– Solidifying advance techniques under time, space and opposition pressure.
– Tactical topics: individual and group training, speed play / speed passes

Ages 13-14
– Technical / skills topics: dribbling, receiving and passing, turning & changing direction, placement (spinning / bending balls) finishing
– Tactical topics: defending individual & group, defending zonal, transition on both sides of game, from defending to attacking and from attacking to defending

Ages 15-16
– Technical / skills topics: dribbling, receiving and passing, passes for penetration (thru the lines passes)
– Tactical topics: Tactical Functional Training. Decisions by players as to which skill is necessary as dictated by the playing environment (game situations). It joins together technical implications of tactical functions of players by positions. It is position specific and the training is done in that area of the field where the payer (players) normally (usually) plays.